We are DELIGHTED to share this hot yoga space with you and wholeheartedly believe that a regular practice @ The Yoga Garage will change your life in amazing ways.

All classes are perfectly designed for beginners.

QUESTIONS? Email us!


Thoughts for Your First Class

∙Drink Pure Water: hydration will dramatically affect your first hot yoga class and every class thereafter.

∙Arrive @ least 15 minutes early to your first class.  You will have time to register and be present in the yoga room prior to the start of class.  This will allow your body time to absorb the heat and your mind time to relax.

∙It is ideal to practice on an empty stomach.

∙The studio is 105F so embrace the heat and be ready to sweat.  Wear workout clothing you will be most comfortable sweating in.

∙Peaceful Quiet: the time before and after class in the hot room is for silent relaxation. The class itself is a 90 min. moving meditation during which only the instructor speaks. You simply LISTEN. FOCUS. and FOLLOW the words as your teacher guides you through 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises. Do a little the right way.

∙Please let your instructor know if you have any medical conditions or physical injuries before class.  Make sure to consult with a physician before coming to class.

∙Try your best to just STAY IN THE ROOM for the entire class, even if you need to sit or lie down.  Promise to give yourself @ least three classes to truly experience a glimpse of what this series can do for you.


∙yoga mat    ∙full sized beach towel   ∙water

(all available for rent/purchase @ the studio)